New Expressions

Bulletin Design

Excerpts from the bulletin I designed for the
Installation of the Bishop of the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin, ELCA.

Your bulletin will be designed to fit your needs. The possibilities are endless!

Consider various styles and sizes.

Perhaps you like to use preprinted bulletin covers, or you might like a cover design that is unique to your church.

Your bulletin can be a complete worship folder with liturgy, lessons and hymns all printed, eliminating the use of hymnals. Or, you might prefer a simpler approach using the bulletin as a guide to the service books available in the pews.

Whatever your preferences, your bulletin will be designed to suit your needs and to reflect the character of your congregation.

First impressions are important. Your worship bulletin is one of the first things visitors see. A well constructed and attractive bulletin will help your visitors feel welcome and will guide them through worship smoothly by providing clear direction.

Your bulletin will be designed to reflect your congregation's unique character, and suited to your worship style.

Bulletin Example

Above are excerpts from a bulletin
created for the 2008 SCSW-ELCA Assembly.